Writing an Application

Application Initialization Sequence

The infrastructure uses pre-defined names for the different types of Spring beans used. The difference between the beans is only logical - they are all regular Spring beans. The predefined names are all located under META-INF/spring and defined as (broken down according to layers):

  • DAL (Data Access Layer):
    • persistence.xml - the normal EJB3 persistence definition minus the connection related properties
  • BL (Business Layer):
    • dao.xml - defines the application DAOs
    • data-source.xml - defines the data source
    • facades.xml - defines the facades
    • services.xml - defines the services
    • tx-manager.xml - defines the transaction manager
    • user-context.xml - defines the user context for the server layer
  • Any layer:
    • messages.xml - defines the messages for the layer. May appear in more than one layer
    • custom-beans.xml - defines application specific beans. Any bean that the application need to instantiate that does not fall into any other category should be defined here.