Closing a Version
Ok, this is really just for me, but I need to write it somewhere - so there it is.
- All tests are successful.
- Update poms to reflect a non-snapshot version.
- Correct the scm location in the poms to point to the tag you are about to define.
- Correct the site deployment destination to the destination described here below.
- Correct the scm location in the site.xml files.
- Run mvn clean install.
- Run mvn site-deploy.
- Commit uncommitted work.
- Tag your version with the following template: project_name_version for example: shine_1_0. Place your tag in the tags/ directory in the svn repository. Do not change the working copy to the tagged version.
- Update poms again to reflect the next snapshot version. For example, if you've released version 1.0, then the next snapshot version would be 1.1-SNAPSHOT.
- Update all relevant projects to this version.
- Move the deployed web site of released version to a directory containing its version. For example: /home/groups/s/sh/shineframework/htdocs/site/shine-1.0.
- In the next release:
- Create a link to the previous release's web site.
- Correct the version number inthe site.xml.
- Commit your work (make sure you are committing to the trunk).