One of the firsts questions that come to mind is what the fuck does this thing do? The answer can be both simple and complicated. In simple terms this is an application development infrastructure. The complicated answer is that this is a combination of several open source tools nicely tide-up to a single robust framework. The purpose of this framework is to simplify the development cycle - having the developer concentrate on the development process of the business logic and freeing the developer from the plumbing, flows and other architectural concerns. With this in mind whenever this framework generated automatic actions (for example in DAOs and Facades) there is always a way to configure the behavior or to override it altogether.
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Start by reading all the documentation. Them take a look at the demo application (demoapp in the svn repository)
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The entire development cycle from server to gui is as
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The frameowrk supplies a convenience method that retrieves
the names and order of the Spring configuration files:
This method reads a text service file:
META-INF/services/net.sf.shineframework.core, which is supplied
in the framework server jar. This file defines the standard
names of the configuration files of the application. All
standard-named files are read in the initialization of the
application automatically (see the contentes of the file for
further details).
It is also possible to add your own custom-named
configuration files (as opposed to the standard-named ones).
To do this include the following files in your distribution
The format of the file is a regular properties file with a
single property:
Usually the initialization is done in a single location in the application.
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